your first orthodontic visit
The initial examination is a fact finding mission. At this appointment we will introduce you to our staff, provide you with a
tour of our office and introduce you to Doctor Seligman. We will then gather the necessary personal information and preliminary
clinical information required for the doctor to make a clinical recommendation. If it is more convenient, we ask that you complete
your patient information and health history forms on our website and submit them on-line. We will explain the orthodontic process,
present you with a video which demonstrates the various steps of evaluation and record taking. On occasion it is important to begin
by taking diagnostic study models, however with newer technology that is being used today and the adjunct of 3-dimensional imaging
it is becoming less and less the standard that we need to take impressions at the very first visit. Almost every patient is thrilled
when we let them know this.
Diagnostic records are always needed prior to treatment in order to prepare a case analysis and a comprehensive treatment plan.
These records can consist of impressions for models when needed (rare), photographs and x-rays or 3-dimensional cone beam scanning
of your teeth and surrounding skeletal structures.
We will provide you with computer simulation of the treatment options available to you. During this case presentation, we will
be discussing all future treatment objectives and the orthodontic method by which these goals will be accomplished. Both the patient
and parent of our younger patients (preferably both parents) should be present at this time, since the responsibilities of all
parties involved will be discussed.