the orthodontic process
The orthodontic process begins with your initial visit to our office. We will start by asking you to fill out your patient information and health history forms either in-person during your visit or online before your appointment.
You will then be introduced to our Treatment Coordinator who will proceed to give you a tour of our office. Preliminary records will then be taken. The set of records can include a panoramic and cephalometric x-ray or a 3-dimensional cone beam CAT scan. Dr. Seligman has the latest equipment which can take either type of image, conventional x-rays, OR a 3-dimensional CAT scan. He is one of the only doctors on Park Avenue and in New York who can offer this “hybrid” option to his patients. In some cases, it is not necessary to take a full head CAT scan of the patient and it is wonderful to be able to offer options with less radiation exposure when possible. It is always our goal to ensure that every patient is exposed only to the necessary levels of radiation to make a diagnosis. Clinical photos will always be taken. On occasion, impressions are also taken if they are necessary to make an accurate diagnosis but this is rare.
Next, our treatment coordinator will address any questions and concerns you may have at this stage of the process. Our coordinator will take detailed notes for Dr. Seligman so he will have all of the information needed to provide a detailed explanation of your diagnosis.
Next, we will play an educational video that explains the advantages of the Damon System and how it can benefit you. The Damon System is a revolutionary bracket system that can achieve impressive results in less time than with traditional bracket systems.
Dr. Seligman will then meet with you to discuss your diagnosis, address any additional questions and concerns, and make his recommendations for your treatment plan.
Dr. Seligman uses ScreenPlay, a sophisticated presentation application that can record the entire presentation including actual records, findings, recommendations, educational animations, office forms, and educational videos and email it to you or burn it to a disk for future review. You can revisit your clinical information on our website under the Case Presentation Section. Click here to be redirected to that area of our site.